How Dogs Are Rewilding Urban Parklands

By: TomSeptember 6, 2024

What is Rewilding?

Rewilding is the process of returning land back to the natural state it was before human intervention. This includes the reintroduction of plants, trees or wildlife that once existed in a specific area. Through biodiversification, the hope is to reestablish a healthier ecosystem while preserving the natural beauty of our forests, parks or wetlands. We'll discuss how the historic UK  county of East Sussex is implementing a very creative way to rewild one local park.

East Sussex Hopes Dogs can do what Wolves Once Did

wolves roaming castle grounds in east sussex
The UK was once home to a vibrant wolf population. But by the 1760's these storied canines had been totally vanquished due to diminishing habitat and aggressive hunting. Wolves were viewed as a major threat to livestock and people. As such, bounties were often paid as a reward for each kill. Yet, as is often the case, once a species disappears, a void in the balance of nature occurs. An exploding deer population problem has emerged throughout the UK since the departure of their primary predator. Furthermore, wolves provided a more subtle, but very important environmental benefit. As a wolf makes its way through the heavy brush of thick wooded areas, seeds from various plants and trees become entangled to their fur. As they wander about, these seeds gradually fall to the earth, helping to perpetuate new growth. A wolf's typical hunting range can cover as much as 50 square miles. This natural seed disbursement has been greatly missed. Now, the community of East Sussex has come up with a clever way to replicate this process by enlisting the services of domestic dogs.

Man's Best Friend Takes a Lead Role in Rewilding Parks

The town (parish) of Lewes in East Sussex is rich in British folklore. Yet, this small community of roughly 100,000 residents is now attempting to undo previous history, at least from an environmental standpoint. Due to many years of heavy foot traffic, much of the local park paths have become worn and barren. The plan calls for providing local dog walkers with backpacks filled with flower seeds. Pet owners are encouraged to have their four legged friends wear them as they wander the park. These packs disperse seeds in a similar manner in which wolves did years ago. Dogs, much like their undomesticated cousins, roam to places humans can't reach, offering better seed distribution. More importantly, the local community has joyfully embraced the concept and participation has been high.

The Bigger Picture: 

It is too early to say just how much of an environmental impact this program will have. But, the biggest benefit might be a change in the hearts and minds of local residents. This initiative has gone far beyond spreading flower seeds in a park. It has created a greater sense of environmental awareness. And for that, Lewes is a better place to live!

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