How to Prepare for Your Energy Audit
Proper preparation for your home energy evaluation assures the most accurate and efficient testing. Take time to review these recommendations for a successful, productive audit.
Have Utility Bills Available
Prepare a copy of the previous years utility bills for a baseline energy usage reference.
Keep Attics, Knee Walls or Crawl Spaces Clear
Keep these areas free of clutter to allow for easy access and testing. Make sure ladders are accessible and convenient if necessary.
Open HVAC Supply & Return Vents
Keeping vents open allows for auditors to check air passage through the vents. This helps evaluate efficiency of both heat and air conditioning units.
Wood Stoves & Fireplaces Places
Clean out or cover ashes with wet newspapers to avoid the spread of debris during the blower door testing.
Keeping vents open allows for auditors to check air passage through the vents. This helps evaluate efficiency of both heat and air conditioning units.
Secure Pets During Inspection
As a courtesy and safety precaution keep pets restrained during your home audit