What are the Benefits of a Home Energy Audit?

By: TomAugust 2, 2023

have a certified expert inspect your home

Benefits of a Home Energy Audit

by Tom Wilson 9/18/23

What is a Home Energy Auditor

Energy Auditors are certified experts trained to assess energy usage and efficiency. They perform detailed room by room analysis inspecting HVAC systems, windows, doors, insulation and more. During this process, they will also analyze your previous energy bills to determine usage patterns. Furthermore energy auditors use their expertise to make energy savings recommendations based on their findings. If your goal is to be more energy efficient and lower your monthly bills, an energy auditor is a great place to start!

What Standard is Used to Elavuate Energy Efficiency?

RESNET or Residential Energy Services Network was established in April 1995. The National Association of State Energy Officials and Energy Rated Homes of America founded this organization. This organization has become the accepted nationwide rating and certification standard for home energy efficiency. RESNET is a not-for-profit, membership corporation governed by an elected board of directors.

How to Prepare for Your Energy Audit

Proper preparation for your home energy evaluation assures the most accurate and efficient testing. Take time to review these recommendations for a successful, productive audit.

Have Utility Bills Available

Prepare a copy of the previous years utility bills for a baseline energy usage reference.

Keep Attics, Knee Walls or Crawl Spaces Clear

Keep these areas free of clutter to allow for easy access and testing. Make sure ladders are accessible and convenient if necessary.

Open HVAC Supply & Return Vents

Keeping vents open allows for auditors to check air passage through the vents. This helps evaluate efficiency of both heat and air conditioning units.

Wood Stoves & Fireplaces Places

Clean out or cover ashes with wet newspapers to avoid the spread of debris during the blower door testing.
Keeping vents open allows for auditors to check air passage through the vents. This helps evaluate efficiency of both heat and air conditioning units.

Secure Pets During Inspection

As a courtesy and safety precaution keep pets restrained during your home audit

What to Expect During an Energy Audit

An energy auditor will do a thorough room by room evaluation of your home's energy efficiency and usage. This includes inspecting the HVAC system, insulation levels, attic, basement and exterior walls. They will also review your previous energy bills to determine patterns of energy usage. This reveals areas where your home may be losing energy. At the completion of your assessment, your energy auditor will provide your ENERGY STAR rating and offer suggestions on how you can improve your home energy efficiency. The cost of an audit will vary depending on the size and complexity of the home but typically ranges from 500 - $800. This cost is the responsibility of the homeowner. That said, the potential energy savings and tax credits will greatly off set this expense.

Earn Tax Credits After Certification

Having  a certified energy auditor assess your home will provide assurance that your energy evaluation will be accurate. The following is a  list of DOE reviewed certification programs for energy auditors. These certifications qualify for energy efficient home improvement tax credits. 
  • The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Engineers Building Energy Assessment Professional certification.
  • The Association of Energy Engineers Certified Energy Auditor certification.
  • The Building Performance Institute Home Energy Professional Energy Auditor certification.
  • The Residential Energy Services Network Home Energy Rater certification.
  • Any other third-party certification recognized or deemed equivalent by the U.S. Department of Energy.

How to Find a Home Energy Auditor

The HERS (Home Energy Rating System) was developed by RESNET and provides a comprehensive directory of certified professional anergy assessors in your area. The HERS Index is the nationally recognized industry standard for measuring and assessing a home's energy efficiency and performance.
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